Saturday, September 19, 2009

My Scheming Beauty Crystal Eye Mask (心机美人水晶果冻眼膜)

My Scheming Beauty Crystal Eye Mask
Order < 100 pkt: $1.10/pkt
Order ≥ 100 pkt: $1.00/pkt
Supply Rate: Please email for further info



1. Crystal Wrinkle Treatment (15胜肽胶原蛋白水晶月牙型眼膜)

-Reduce the formation of wrinkles and repair skin around the under eye.
-Contain anti-oxidants to protect the under eye from dust & dirt.
-Stimulate the production of collagen to firm your skin around the eye.
-Highly moisturizing to prevent dryness.

能淡化肌肤纹路, 让眼睛周肌更加平滑细致,有效抚平皱纹,预防干燥,改善眼部周围暗沉肌肤, 更生及活化肤质使眼周肌肤柔滑水嫩,白质透亮,紧肤除皱.

2. Crystal Q10 Elastin (Q10胶原蛋白水晶月牙型眼膜)

-Smoothen wrinkles & repairs your skin around the area of the undereye.
-Contain anti-oxidants to protect your skin from everyday stress & radicals.
-Protect the skin from further stress.
-Improve skin elasticity. -Hydrates your skin around the Undereye.


3. Crystal Whitening Brightening (左旋C胶原蛋白水晶月牙型眼膜)

-Reduce pigmentation and melanin formation.
-Reduce dullness around the under eye area.
-Presence of anti-oxidants to protect skin from stress & radicals.
-Whiten and brighten under eye area plus smoothen wrinkles.


4. Crystal Hydrating (玻尿酸保湿水晶月牙型眼膜)

Deep sea seaweed bolivian uric acid adds moisture to your eyes, leaving your eyes hydrated all day long.

Allow easy absorption of essence and improve skin elasticity in the under eye area.


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