Thursday, December 31, 2009


VALID FROM 01/01/2010 TILL 31/01/2010

(While Stocks Last)


--> 50pcs My Beauty Diary Mask
--> 50pkt ELG 4th Generation Crystal Collagen Eye Mask

--> 1pcs Crystal Collagen Lip Mask
--> 1pcs
My Beauty Diary Strawberry Yogurt Mask (limited version)

**The package is exclusive of delivery postage
**Meet-up at Commonwealth MRT without additional charges

To place order, please email us at, state order code CP010 and provide info below;

Handphone no.:
Type of Mask:

We will respond to you asap within 24 hours.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

CP009: Trial Pack For The Best Selling My Beauty Diary Mask

Valid from 23/12/09 to 31/12/09

Buy 10 pcs of My Beauty Diary Facial Mask (MBD) with complimentary gift of 1 pkt ELG IIII Crystal Collagen Eye Mask

Only $14.50
(inclusive of normal postage)

Trial pack items inclusive of:
2 pcs of MBD Red Wine
2 pcs of MBD Black Pearl
2 pcs of MBD Cooling
2 pcs of MBD Rose
2 pcs of MBD Rice
1 pkt of ELG IIII Eye Mask (please state the type out of 6 choices)

To place order, please email us at, state order code CP009 and provide info below;

Handphone no.:
Order Code & Type of Eye Mask:

We will respond to you asap within 24 hours.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

CP008: My Beauty Diary 2009 Limited Edition All-in-One Package (15pcs) + Free Eye Mask (ELG IIII)

我的美麗日記 2009 All-in-1 紀念版: 繽紛花語篇(Pink box)及璀璨星情篇(Green box)

Packing: 15pcs/box
Normal price: $24/box

Promotion price:

Buy 1 box: $21 + Free 2 pcs ELG IIII Crystal Collagen Eye Mask (Randomly choose)
Buy 2 box: $38 + Free 4 pcs ELG IIII Crystal Collagen Eye Mask (Randomly choose)

Strictly for self-collection at Commonwealth MRT due to fragile gift box

My Beauty Diary 2009 Limited Edition All-in-One Package contains 15 types of facial masks in one lovely gift box! It's the perfect gift for all occasions to your loved one.

15 different flavours in 1 box:
Aloe Vera, Natto, Provence Lavender, Yogurt, Bulgarian White Rose, Black Pearl, Strawberry Yogurt, Japanese Cherry Blossom, Mixed Berries, Cooling Mask, Red Wine, Apple Polypheonol, Sake Yeast, Q10 Rejuvenating, Pearl Powder.


15 款面膜包括
蘆薈奈米面膜 + 納豆奈米面膜 + 普羅旺斯薰衣草奈米面膜 + 優酪乳面膜 + 保加利亞白玫瑰奈米面膜 + 黑珍珠奈米面膜 + 草莓優格面膜 + 日本吉野櫻花面膜 + 複合莓果面膜 + 冰沁活氧奈米面膜 + 紅酒多酚奈米面膜 + 蘋果多酚奈米面膜 + 清酒酒粕奈米面膜 + Q10奈米面膜 + 珍珠粉奈米面膜


To place order, please email us at, state order code CP008 and provide info below;

Handphone no.:
Quantity of box:

We will respond to you asap within 24 hours.

Friday, December 11, 2009

CP006: A Week New Eye Mask Deal (11th to 18th Dec 09)

Buy any 12 pkt of ELG 4th Generation Crystal Collagen Eye Mask
@ $10 only
(UP: $11.70)
(inclusive of normal mail postage)

**Valid till 18th Dec 09**

To place order, please email us at, state order code CP006 and provide info below;

Handphone no.:

We will respond to you asap within 24 hours.

Monday, December 7, 2009



Mei Mei's Signatures is a Singapore-based online store bringing you a wide range of quality beauty and nail supplies such as Nfu Oh, Nubar, OPI, Orly, China Glaze, Color Club, Estessimo TiNS, Seche, Poshe, Essie, Best Nail Treatments, Real Gold Inc., Glitter Gal, Cult Nails, A-England, LCN, Blaze, Harmony Gelish, Hopscotch Kids, Oops! J, Milani, L.A. Girls, , Dr. G, Ecrinal, Cuccio Naturale, SueSa and Cracking Topcoat (own label). You can easily beautify your nails with pretty nail art deco which can be selected from Mei Mei’s Signatures such as authentic Swarovski crystal flatback rhinestones, nail seal/stickers, fimo clay, pearls, crystal rhinestones, striping tape, bullions, and other nail implements.

A recent collaboration with Serenity Handmade Accessories is aimed at bringing you unique fashion accessories to match your apparel or as gift purpose.

♛Ready Stocks ♛ Prompt Response♛ Free Local Normal Delivery♛
♛Loyalty Reward Privilege Card♛ Referral Programme♛

1. How to Order @
2. Redeem Loyalty Reward Card @

Sunday, December 6, 2009

ELG 4th Generation Crystal Collagen Eye Mask (依洛嘉第四代水晶果凍眼膜)


依洛嘉又正式將進口的藍銅胜月太成分,加入第四代面膜中,除保留了第三代中最優的成分及效果外,又將膜片從之前的厚度0.2mm 增加到0.35mm,裡面的保養成分也分量十足.

ELG 4th Generation Crystal Collagen Eye Mask (依洛嘉第四代水晶果凍眼膜)

Order < 100 pkt: $0.80/pkt
Order ≥ 100 pkt: $0.76/pkt
Supply rate: Please email for further info

Highly recommended by Makiyo, 伊能靜, Da S and other celebs in Nu Ren Wo Zui Da (女人我最大). ELG 4th Generation Crystal Collagen Eye Mask is now comes with GHK-Cu (for anti-aging) and improved formula with better absorption besides twice of the thickness.


美容市場的新星 - 藍銅胜肽(GHK-Cu):
美國一群頂尖的生化科技專家,經歷多年的皮膚除皺抗老化研究, 1970年在血清中發現銅鍵結胺基酸(Copper Peptide Complex™ )GHK複合物,GHK-Cu在組織活化的生理過程當中扮演重要的關鍵性角色,科學家以此為基礎發表多篇臨床人體實驗報告,獲得多項美國及全球獨家專利,開啟了銅對於除皺的運用。1986年在美國華盛頓州,ProCyte公司成立,致力於將銅鍵結胺基酸應用於人體組織修護、抗老、除皺及頭髮增生的治療。於是在1999年成立NEOVA妮歐瓦品牌,正式將藍銅用在抗老除皺的美容保養。多位皮膚科醫師也已發表多篇臨床人體實驗報告,證實此組此複合物能進入皮膚真皮層而發揮療效。因此被皮膚科及整形外科醫師推薦為21世紀最無刺激的抗老除皺產品。


科學家為實際了解各成分對抗皺紋的效果,實際測試A酸(Tretinoin)、維他命C、退黑激素 (Melatonin)、銅鍵結氨基酸 (Cooper Peptide),四種不同成分。使用一個月後,分析真皮層中初膠原蛋白(procollagen)含量,發現使用A酸者有40%的人有顯著增加,使用維他命C、退黑激素者各有50%者有顯著增加,而使用銅鍵結氨基酸者有70%有顯著增加的情形。J I D1998 在臨床實驗中,發現銅鍵結氨基酸確實有改善細紋、臉部膚色及光傷害。研究者同時也注意到使用超音波測試實皮膚厚度平均增加17.8%。當然抗皺需相關實許多內外在因素,但唯一可被確定的是銅鍵結氨基酸為一無刺激性的成分,相當適用於極敏感性肌膚與雷射或果酸煥膚後使用。

第二代是乳白的,第三代加入美容品中最頂級的EGF成分,採用了完全進口的製造工藝,面膜完全水晶透明,可以更快地在熱水中融化,其精華液成分可用來保養身體。水晶面膜可深入皮膚底層的深層保濕促進皮膚代謝與新生, 且幾乎完全緊密貼膚, 甚至可隨著毛孔或肌膚紋理的凹洞起伏緊貼, 所以可以讓活性成分到達肌膚的任何一個死角, 即使是毛孔或皺紋等一般材質不可能接觸到的部位都沒有死角. 水晶面膜具有智慧型自我調節能力, 含有高濃度精華液, 且不容易散失可維持長時間穩定的釋放出活性成分, 所以即使使用時間過長, 也完全沒有反吸收肌膚的水分與養分的問題. 依洛嘉又正式將進口的藍銅胜月太成分,加入第四代面膜中,除保留了第三代中最優的成分及效果外,又將膜片從之前的0.2mm 增加到0.35mm,厚度幾乎增加了一倍,裡面的保養成分也分量十足.


Crystal collagen eye mask is formulated by a breakthrough technology. An innovative sheet-form transparent mask composed mainly of ingredients including pure natural extracts and collagen.

The one-way absorption rate of gel masks is higher than 98%, which means that the amount of nutrients and moisture it offers is 10 times more than that of ordinary facial masks.

In only 10-20 minutes, the ingredients condensed on this crystal mask will gradually dissolved under body temperature and be absorbed quickly into the skin cells through expanded pores, providing supplementary elements such as collagen, whitening essence, moisturizing factor and different kinds of vitamins.

Such ingredients are effective in instant whitening, high performance moisturizing, firming up the pores, replenishing lost collagen and giving your skin an immediate soft and moisturized appearance with elasticity-four functions at the same time.

It can even relieve and moderate sunburns caused by the sunbathing and laser treatment. Complete and intensive facial care in a single mask.

藍銅胜肽+EGF增厚版類真皮水晶果凍眼膜 ~六款全新配方! (6 Types of New Formulation)

1. Pink (Red Wine + Grape + EGF + GHK-Cu) 紅酒多酚美白抗皺水晶果凍眼膜(粉紅)

Effect: Specially suited for skin prone to aging and dehydration, this helps to restore skin vitality, prevents wrinkles.


2. Blue (Seaweed + Tea Tree Extract + EGF + GHK-Cu) 海藻鎖水保濕水晶果凍眼膜(藍)

Effect: Deeply moistures the skin under eyes, helps to relax the skin and prevents wrinkles.


3. Silver (Pearl + Hyaluronic Acid + EGF + GHK-Cu) 珍珠精華晢白水晶果凍眼膜(銀)

Effect: Moistures the skin and lightens melanin in the skin under the eyes, leaving skin supple and bright.


4. Orange (Orange + Lemon + EGF + GHK-Cu) 鮮橙C美白保濕水晶果凍眼膜(橙)

Effect: Enhanced with collagen and Vitamin C, helps in skin repair and fine lines, improves skin elasticity.


5. Green (Aloe + Chamomile + EGF + GHK-Cu) 蘆薈控油去痘水晶果凍眼膜(綠)

Effect: Aloe helps to moisturise skin and prevents wrinkles, while Chamomile serves to soothe sensitive skin. Helps to eliminate wrinkles and eye bags and keeps the skin under eye area moisturised and fresh.


6. Gold (Arbutin + L-Ascorbic + EGF + GHK-Cu) 熊果素美白淡斑水晶果凍眼膜(金)

Effect: Whitening effects, improves skin pigmentation and lightens dark circles, improves skin elasticity.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Package 2

CP005 (Package A or B)

Merry Christmas! Let’s get in the mood of this joyous season and share this with our loved one. This season, we specially offer a choice of expressing your feelings and gratitude with all our family and friends. It’s time to share gifts…..

Package A:
Choose any 3 pcs of My Beauty Diary Mask (Normal series) @ $5.00

Package B:
Choose any 7 pcs of My Beauty Diary Mask (Normal series) @ $10.00

What’s so special?
**Prices are inclusive of normal mail postage
**Masks are always bubble-wrapped before mailing
**Enclosed a Mini Christmas card (please state wishes/greetings for recipient)

Please contact us via email and state order code CP005 (Package A or B) for placing order.

Details in the following are required;

Your Name:
Your Email:
Your Handphone no.:
Recipient Name:
Recipient Handphone no.:
Delivery Address:
Greeting notes (for mini card):

Modern Beauty Market Wish You Have A Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2010!

Monday, November 23, 2009

My Beauty Diary - Chocolate Deal (Without Box)

Order Code: CP004 (While Stocks last!!)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

In order for us to process your order accordingly, please state order code (compulsory) in the email.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Christmas Gift In This Joyous Season (December 2009)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Contact us via email and state "Merry Christmas @ Modern Beauty Market" for placing order.

Details in the following are required;

Your Name:
Your Email:
Your Handphone no.:
Recipient Name:
Recipient Handphone no.:
Delivery Address:
Greeting notes:

We will respond to you within 12 hours for confirmation and payment details.

While stocks last!

May we have a pretty and wonderful christmas!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Service Feedback Corner

We continuously improve our quality of service and to serve clients well.

Your feedback is important to us!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Beware Of Imitation My Beauty Diary Mask (如何分辨我的美丽日记真伪?)

2010 Updates:

Beware of fake mask which is sold at cheapest rate than ordinary price especially from unreliable sellers. Taiwan police had seized and captured 2 suspects (surname: Lee and Yan) in Taiwan. According to the news, the suspects bought in fake mask from China in bulk through online purchase and sold the masks at the lowest selling price to buyers in Taiwan. A lot of users lodged police report after pain from using fake mask.

Modern Beauty Market is always very alert of fake products and check on every masks during preparation for online orders or supply. Skin needs care and we can only make it by using genuine products! Modern Beauty Market My Beauty Diary Mask only $1.30/pcs with free postage 100% original. (order form)

仿冒知名面膜 不肖商人牟暴利




破獲黑心面膜網站賣家 已知數百人受害






13/4/2010: Taiwan President Company Announce





Conclusion: Taiwan news has shown misleading info of fake mask identification mask. It is common to have the same serial number.

2009 Updates:
Imitation products: China & Taiwan
Authentic products: Taiwan (President Company)

Recently, there is dispute over the presence of imitation products. A group of netizens pinpoint the source of imitation to Mainland China. Incredibly, recent feedback from Taiwan suppliers showed that fake masks (imitation of My Beauty Diary Mask) are even produced and found in Taiwan. Mask lovers just can't be convinced by just being informed that masks are shipped from Taiwan directly.

Q: What are the differences between imitation products and authentic products?
A: By experience of handling authentic products, one will easily identify the difference by its printing quality, mask packet, color, smell, and expiry date’s pattern.

Q: How to determine its authenticity without having the mask?
A: You may define it by its price (usually less than $1.00/pcs). Nevertheless, there are people selling imitation products at usual price too.

We don't sell imitation products to customers;

1. We are sincere and honest in the business. Cheating is a serious issue and selling imitation products is illegal in Singapore and the penalty may be imprisonment, a fine or both.

2. Reputation is crucial. We do not wish to lose our clients by selling fake masks even though the cost is very cheap.

3. Our biggest concern is to satisfy clients by serving them at our best quality of service which is valued for their money.

4. On the other hand, we concern about adverse effects caused by using fake masks. Our skin needs care and proper nourishment by applying genuine products.

In conclusion, think twice before placing order with unreliable sources or unknown dealers. Beware of masks that are being sold too cheap.

**Mask imported from Taiwan inclusive of shipment = (+/-) $1/pcs
**Cost of mask is gradually increasing from Taiwan factory, it is impossible to buy cheaper masks as compared with current market price.

Copyright © Modern Beauty Market

Update: 02/11/09 - Pictures and comparisons of real and fake facial masks. Please click here (chinese) and here (english).

Friday, October 16, 2009

Promotion (大促销) **On-going**

**The idea of the promotion begins since 15 Oct 09. As we are sincerely encouraging users to try out the top selling mask from Taiwan especially My Beauty Diary Mask and Eye Mask from My Scheming Beauty, we are here offering you different packages and these are definitely valued for your money. In order for us to process your order accordingly, please state order code (compulsory) in the email.**

Prices are exclusive of postage unless otherwise stated.

Order Code: CP003 (While Stocks Last!!)

Order Code: CP002 (Sold Out 4 Sets)

Order Code: CP001 (Promotion 16/10/09 - 16/11/09)

**update@10/11/09 - The package is unavailable as eye mask has been sold out.

Coming up More!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Beauty Diary Premium Mask

My Beauty Diary Premium Mask
Retail Price: $18.00/box (6pcs)
Wholesale Price: Not Available

1. Camellia Mask (我的美麗日記山茶花極緻保濕面膜)



All skin types, especially dry and dehydrated skin

- Moisturizing
- Anti-oxidant
- Anit-aging

2. White Truffle Fantastic Whitening Mask (我的美麗日記白松露極致美白面膜) @ OUT OF STOCK



All skin types especially dull-looking and yellowish skin

- Whitening effect, improve uneven skin tone & fade dark spots
- Improves skin texture
- Restores radiance & glow
- Regains skin's clarity

3. White Peony Tea Mask (白茶牡丹清透美白面膜) @ OUT OF STOCK


All skin type esp those dull & tired skin

- Whitening
- Brightening
- Soothing Effect

Monday, September 21, 2009

My Scheming Beauty Diamond Facial Mask (我的心机钻石级面膜)

My Scheming Beauty Diamond Facial Mask
Order < 100 pcs: $0.90/pcs
Order ≥ 100 pcs: $0.80/pcs
Supply rate: Please email for further info

01. Bird's nest + Collagen Mask (燕窩膠原蛋白鑽石級面膜)

给肌肤双重滋润,预防干燥,粗糙老化现象产生, 改善及更生肤质,供给肌肤养分,活化肌肤, 加强代谢功能,预防细小皱纹,增加肌肤之弹性。

Rejuvenate and lock in moisture for the skin
Aid in renewal of skin and improve skin texture
Increase skin metabolism
Improve elasticity of skin and slow down aging process

02. Ginseng Extract Mask (高麗人蔘鑽石級面膜)


It helps in moisturize skin, improve the rough, dry and cracking skin
Rich in anti-oxidant that promotes cell metabolism rate
Improve skin elasticity and give smooth skin feeling

03. Argireline + Amino Mask (十五胜肽全效胺基酸面膜)

能阻断神经传导, 使肌肉细胞呈现放松状态, 有效舒缓并抰制细纹及皱纹周边肌肉的收缩与活动, 帮助肌肤弹性组织回复柔顺平滑的线条, 减少脸部细纹。

Reduce existing facial wrinkles and against development of new wrinkles
Aid in gentle exfoliation and revitalization of skin
Prevention of skin aging and restoring skin to a fair and rosy colour.

04. Astaxanthin Mask (蝦紅素海洋之鑽面膜)

具有抑制及清除活性氧的能力,能促进细胞再生, 预防并改善细纹,皱纹的产生,延缓肌肤老化过早发生, 给于肌肤最佳的青春维持效果。有很好的保溼效果,

It’s strong antioxidant, proven to be 500 times more effective than vitamin E.
This mask helps our skin to form a protective layer on the surface, also aids in toning up skin, giving it maximum suppleness.
Improve skin elasticity and moisturizes

05. Marigold Extract Mask (金盞花舒缓钻石級面膜)


Natural ingredients from various plant extracts and marigold liquid insert as it's essence, while using the mask, using multi moisture content and nutrient to moisture the skin and letting it absorb to the deep skin layer.

06. Deep Ocean Water Mask (海洋深层水钻石級面膜)

可补充肌肤所需的养分,润泽并滋润肌肤,补给肌肤所需水份,恢复肌肤弹性,让肌肤饱满有光泽. 并可帮助肌肤增加抵抗力,舒缓降低皮肤过敏现象,修护细胞,使肌肤更健康.

Replenish for skin needs, moisturize skin, restore water content of skin.
Improve the elasticity of skin letting it glows radiantly.
It helps skin to improve resistance, comforts and heals hypersensitive skin, restores cell which lets makes your skin healthier.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hokkaido Lover Mask (北海道恋人面膜)

Hokkaido Lover Mask
Order <100 pcs: $0.90/pcs
Order ≥ 100 pcs: $0.80/pcs
Supply rate: Please email for further info

1. Q10 Elastin Mask (Q10緊緻彈力面膜) OUT OF STOCK

Contain antioxidants to protect skin against radicals
Improve skin elasticity
Highly moisturizing
Replenish collagen level

2. E.G.F Reconstruct Mask (E.G.F 修護無痕面膜)OUT OF STOCK

Prevent aging and formation of wrinkles
Smoothen uneven skin tone
Brighten skin effectively
Promote skin regeneration

3. L-ascorbic Acid Whitening Mask (左旋C晶透浄白面膜)OUT OF STOCK

Facilitate skin repair and regeneration
Reduce appearance of melanin spots
Whiten and smoothen uneven skin tone
Stimulate cell metabolism
Replenish moisture into the skin

4. Hyaluronic Acid Mask (玻尿酸水漾面膜)OUT OF STOCK

Retain moisture level in the skin
Keep skin hydrated all day long
Remove dullness of the skin effectively
Facilitate absorption of plant extracts into skin
Improve flaky and dehydrated skin conditions

5. Sakura Whitening Mask (櫻花嫩白光采面膜)OUT OF STOCK

Consist of aromatherapeutic properties to soothe body and skin.
Repair and restores skin structure
Reduce pigmentation
Minimize pores

6. Anti-Oil + Purifying Mask (控油調理雙效面膜)OUT OF STOCK

Improve skin sensitivity
Repair damaged skin
Recover skin renewal system
Regulate oil and sebum secretion

7. Argireline Mask (15胜肽煥顏面膜)OUT OF STOCK

Improve skin cell reproduction
Contain anti-oxidants to protect skin against radicals
Increase production of collagen
Slow down aging and wrinkle formation
Replenish moisture in the skin
Reduce pigmentation

My Scheming Beauty Crystal Eye Mask (心机美人水晶果冻眼膜)

My Scheming Beauty Crystal Eye Mask
Order < 100 pkt: $1.10/pkt
Order ≥ 100 pkt: $1.00/pkt
Supply Rate: Please email for further info



1. Crystal Wrinkle Treatment (15胜肽胶原蛋白水晶月牙型眼膜)

-Reduce the formation of wrinkles and repair skin around the under eye.
-Contain anti-oxidants to protect the under eye from dust & dirt.
-Stimulate the production of collagen to firm your skin around the eye.
-Highly moisturizing to prevent dryness.

能淡化肌肤纹路, 让眼睛周肌更加平滑细致,有效抚平皱纹,预防干燥,改善眼部周围暗沉肌肤, 更生及活化肤质使眼周肌肤柔滑水嫩,白质透亮,紧肤除皱.

2. Crystal Q10 Elastin (Q10胶原蛋白水晶月牙型眼膜)

-Smoothen wrinkles & repairs your skin around the area of the undereye.
-Contain anti-oxidants to protect your skin from everyday stress & radicals.
-Protect the skin from further stress.
-Improve skin elasticity. -Hydrates your skin around the Undereye.


3. Crystal Whitening Brightening (左旋C胶原蛋白水晶月牙型眼膜)

-Reduce pigmentation and melanin formation.
-Reduce dullness around the under eye area.
-Presence of anti-oxidants to protect skin from stress & radicals.
-Whiten and brighten under eye area plus smoothen wrinkles.


4. Crystal Hydrating (玻尿酸保湿水晶月牙型眼膜)

Deep sea seaweed bolivian uric acid adds moisture to your eyes, leaving your eyes hydrated all day long.

Allow easy absorption of essence and improve skin elasticity in the under eye area.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dainty Design Mask (丹堤面膜)

Dainty Design Mask
Order < 100 pcs: $0.85/pcs
Order ≥ 100 pcs: $0.80/pcs
Supply Rate: Please email for further info

Dainty had a proven track record as one of the most top selling facial mask. The product origins from advanced formula provided by Dainty Design Pty Ltd Australia, and manufactured by a premier research and production team in Taiwan. The ingredient for their special formulated face mask is extra density and extra moisturize. It is deisgned for daily use with product life span of three years. For first time users, a light rash or tingling feeling is a normal reaction.

Using 100% USA cotton may release essence quickly into the skin and increase the skin absorbability.

"丹堤" 美容护肤系列产品是来自于澳洲 Dainty Design Pty Ltd Australia 最先进的原料配方,并经由台湾生产部门内一群备有优良素养的精英部队所调配生产出最具有美肤效果的美容圣品。

选用100%纯天然美国棉面膜, 适用敏感与一后性肌肤, 布膜具高透氧、透气性, 能自动感应肌肤温度, 使高效精华液完全释放。

脸部清洁后,取一片面膜与肌肤密合,于20-30分钟后取下, 然后轻轻打圈按摩, 待精华液完全吸收后再上化妆水 / 乳液 / 乳霜即可, 无须过水方便快捷.

1. Aloe Mask (蘆薈面膜)


1) Skin brightening with moisture replenishment
2) Help restore soft and radiant skin
3) Retain & replenish moisture in skin preventing wrinkles
4) Increase skin cells metabolism and scar healing
5) Prevent occurrence of acne

*For all skin types.

2. Citronnella Mask (檸檬香茅面膜)


1. Restore firm and elastic skin
2. Control sebum secretions from the skin to avoid skin blemish
3. Restore skin structure to soft and radiant
4. Retain and replenish moisture in skins

*For all skin types especially oily skin.

3. All In One Collagen Mask (全方位膠原面膜)


1.Whiten and re-hydrate skins
2.Prevent wrinkles by increasing skin elasticity
3.Repair and re-conceal wounds and sunken scars
4.Facilitate the recovery of skin metabolism
5.Modulate and stabilize skin’s pH

*For all skin types.

4. Lavender Mask (薰衣草面膜)


1.Stabilize skin’s pH and prevent skin sensitivity
2.To calm and relief stress for sleeping disorder
3.Control and balance skin oiliness
4.Whiten and re-hydrate your skin
5.Repair sun burn skin

*For all skin types.

5. Rose Mask (玫瑰面膜)


1.Rejuvenate cells, refresh dull and tired looking skin
2.Giving your skin a supple and radiant look
3.Whiten and re-hydrate your skin
4.Prevent wrinkles by increasing skin elasticity

*For all skin types especially sensitive skin.

6. Lotus Mask (蓮香面膜)


1. Close up open pores
2. Rejuvenate cells and possesses anti-oxidants
3. Smoothen and moisture your skin
4. Whiten and re-hydrate your skin

*For all skin types.

7. Lycopen Mask (茄紅素面膜)


1. Give you a supple, silky and radiant look
2. Exfoliate dead skin cells
3. Possess antioxidants to prevent skin damage from harmful UV rays
4. Whitening and re-hydration of skin

*For all skin types especially those with dry skin and after tanning.

8. Coffee Mask (咖啡面膜)

1. Anti-0xidant and also anti-aging
2. Moisturizing and cell-repairing
3. Whitening and firming of skin

*For all skin types.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

My Beauty Diary Mask (我的美丽日记面膜) - Top Selling Masks From Taiwan

【大S,女人我最大 (Nu Ren Wo Zui Da】热推的台湾第一热销面膜, 每天都可以用.

自从大S在“女人我最大”节目强力推荐之后,我的美丽日记在台湾屈臣氏等各大专卖店热卖到断货!我的美丽日记让你每天变美一点! Original My Beauty Diary Mask (我的美丽日记) = 奈米级保养品。「我的美丽日记」原料配方中,含有纳米化的原料及载体(纳米载体 Nanospheres), 制程配方以高速均质方式纳米化,经实验证明:八小时后仍能保持70%的保水度。

Modern Beauty Market proudly introduces original My Beauty Diary Facial Mask (我的美丽日记面膜, Wo De Mei Li Ri Ji), a production from Taiwan President Company established since 2004 with a mission of “Prettier Each Day”. Its popularity is getting overwhelmed from different countries such as Japan, Malaysia, Singapore and China. It is the top and best selling taiwan mask especially in Taiwan by recommendation from T.V. star from Nu Ren Wo Zui Da(女人我最大) and journalists.

Mask essence extracted from various natural ingredients which has been specially formulated for different uses different types of skin particularly on Asian skins. Surely it can be applied to ladies from all range of age and even to men to match dreams of everyone of having true vital and healthier skin.

These masks are nicely packed with different flavoured fragrance to allow you choosing your mask based on various moods on different day with your various needs.

Now, you can keep your own facial diary due to Nanospheres technology and see the result of a healthier skin at regular basis. Let’s let a good mood with good skin to balance and relax your body and soul in this hectic city. Our skin needs care! Nanospheres technology makes easy absorption of natural essence to skin possible.

Beware of imitation/fake my beauty diary masks in the market. Our skin needs proper care and by only using authentic products, we can guarantee a good health of skin and body.

Tips of Use:
- Cleanse face thoroughly and apply mask on face
- Excess essence from the packaging may be applied on the neck by massage
- After 15 to 20 mins, remove mask and gently massage face to assist absorption
- Rinsing is not required
- You may apply toner or moisturizer after application to help lock in the nutrients
- Use daily for maximum effect


Moisturising: Natto Mask

Whitenning: Sake, Red Wine, Pearl Powder, Rose, Black Pearl Mask.

Firming: Q10 Mask.

Regenerating: Aloe Vera, Rice Mask.

Refining: Apple, Yogurt, Rice Mask.

Oil Control: Yogurt Mask.

Refreshing: Cooling, Lavender Mask.

Original My Beauty Diary Mask Normal Series
Order < 100pcs: $1.30/pcs
Order > 100pcs: $1.25/pcs

Supply Rate: Please email for further info

1. COOLING MASK (冰沁活氧奈米面膜)


適用膚質: 一般膚質皆可使用

Effects: Cooling effect with refreshing sensation. Skin feels soothed, softened and hydrated while being moisturized.

*Suitable for all skin types.

2. SAKE YEAST MASK (清酒酒粕奈米面膜)


適用膚質: 一般肌膚,除敏感幹性肌膚

Effects: Whitening, moisturising, firming and repairing skin.

*Suitable for all skin types and dull skins except for sensitive skin.



適用膚質: 一般肌膚,尤老化肌膚

Effects: Moisturising, repairs and improves elasticity of skin.

*Suitable for all skin types especially dull and mature skin.



適用膚質: 一般肌膚,尤暗沉缺光澤肌膚

Effects: Brightens and whitening the overall skin complexion. Skin improved and well hydrated.

*Suitable for all skin types especially for dull looking skin.

5. PEARL POWDER MASK (珍珠粉奈米面膜)


適用膚質: 一般肌膚,尤暗沉受損肌膚

Effects: Whitens and brightens skin. Nourishes and mositurizes skin for youthful look.

*For all skin types especially for dull skin.



適用膚質: 一般肌膚,尤鬆弛老化肌膚

Effects: Moisturising, anti-aging and anti-oxidant, restores skin structure. Skin elasticity improved and complexion looks younger and softer.

*Suitable for all skin types especially mature and lack of firmness.

7. RED WINE MASK (紅酒多酚奈米面膜)


適用膚質: 一般肌膚,尤鬆弛暗沉肌膚

Effects: Firms and brigthens skin complexion with anti-oxidant content. Improves blood circulation and skins glow and radiant improved.

*Suitable for all skin types.



適用膚質: 一般肌膚,尤毛孔粗大膚質

Effects: Reduces size of enlarges pores. Helps in firming and moisturising skin. Regulates sebum secretion and makes skin becomes clearer with more even complexion.

*For all skin types especially for skin with enlarged pores.

9. ALOE VERA MASK (蘆薈奈米面膜)


適用膚質: 一般肌膚,尤乾燥受損肌膚

Effects: Extra moisturising, removes dead skin cells and lighten pigmentation spots. Retains and replenishes moistures and soothes sensitive skin.

*Suitable for all skin types especially dry and damaged skin.

10. NATTO MASK (納豆奈米面膜)


適用膚質: 一般肌膚,尤暗沉缺乏彈力缺水肌膚

Effects: Firming effect with supplementary moisturising elements and skin becomes well hydrated.

*For all skin types especially dehydrated and lack of elasticity skin.

11. YOGURT MASK (優酪乳奈米面膜)


適用膚質: 一般肌膚,尤油性肌膚,除敏感幹性肌膚

Effects: Regulates the production of oil and absorbs excessive oil. Replenishes moisture in skin and helps in oil control.

*Suitable for all skin types especially oily skin with enlarged pores.



適用膚質: 一般肌膚,敏感肌膚亦適用

Effects: Calms the nerves and relieves stress, prevents skin sensitivity.

*Suitable for all skin types include sensitive skin.

13. BLACK PEARL MASK (黑珍珠面膜)


適用膚質: 一般肌膚,特推薦缺乏光澤與彈力肌膚

Effects: Firming, regenerating, moisturising, whitens and brigthens the overall complexion.

*Suitable for all skin types especially for dull looking and damaged skin.

14. BLACK CHERRY CHOCOLATE MASK (黑櫻桃巧克力面膜) 2010 Limited Edition!!



Effects: Whitening, brightening, tightening pores, anti-oxidant and firming for skins.

*Suitable for all skin types especially dull and lacks of elasticity skin.




Effects: Brightening, improving fine lines and helps in oil control.

*Suitable for all skin types especially combination skin.




Effects: Soothing and improve skin radiance.

*Suitable for all skin types especially tired and dull skin.

17. MIXED BERRIES MASK ( 綜合莓果面膜)



Effects: Brightening & Firming

*Suitable for all skin types especially uneven & rough skin tone.